2b). Immediately after being produced and over 3 weeks of storage, both formulations 4 (16 μg/mL) and 5 (11 μg/mL) presented a monomodal distribution (in terms of volume and number of particles), with a mean diameter less than 1 μm (Fig. 3a and b). The volume-weighted mean diameters (D4,3) observed in formulations 4 and 5 were 208 and 163 nm, with span values of 1.397 and 1.271, respectively. Span values are related to the particle distributions. Low span values indicate
a narrowed particles size distribution (more homogeneous sizes). Thus, formulation 5 may be considered to be more homogeneous because it presented a narrower particle size distribution than that of formulation AZD5363 cell line 4. The results of the cumulative distribution show that 90% of the nanocapsules in formulations 4 and 5 exhibited diameters (D0,9) smaller than 126 and 127 nm, respectively ( Fig. 3c and d). After 3 weeks of storage, no changes were observed in the mean diameter of the nanocapsules in formulations 4 and 5, and both formulations were considered physically stable. However, formulation 4 was chosen for further experiments because of the higher concentration of bixin measured, in addition to having satisfactory size and distribution characteristics.
Neratinib The concentration of bixin in the nanocapsules affected the physical characteristics of the nanocapsules, such as their diameter, particle-size distribution and stability, hence, the results of our preliminary
tests show that there is a limit of bixin solubilisation. Determining the particle size distribution with respect to particle volume allowed us to verify the presence of particles with diameters greater than 1 μm. This verification is practically void when analysing the distributions in terms of number of particles because these particles (diameter >1 μm) are present in small amounts. The bixin nanocapsule suspension was prepared in triplicate CYTH4 with a mean bixin concentration of 16.92 ± 0.16 μg/mL. Venturini et al. (2011) produced lipid-core nanocapsules with higher concentration of indomethacin ethyl ester (1 mg/mL) using the same formulation components, which indicated that the type of compound which is encapsulated affected the amount incorporated into the formulation. However, the concentration of bixin was not considered low because food dyes are normally used in low concentrations. The quantity of a compound that can be incorporated into nanoencapsulated systems is affected by the type of formulation and technique used (Ribeiro et al., 2008, Tan and Nakajima, 2005 and Yuan et al., 2008). In the aqueous phase of the bixin nanocapsules formulation, the bixin concentration was below the limit of detection of 0.231 μg/mL (None bixin peak was found). The mean total concentration of bixin in the formulations was of 16.92 ± 0.16 μg/mL.