4 and 5 In the U S this device is marketed as an office based pr

4 and 5 In the U.S. this device is marketed as an office based procedure with local anesthesia with or without oral sedation. A potential challenge of PUL in the office is that the device requires a rigid 20Fr cystoscope that may preclude it from being performed in a significant number of men. However, use of local and oral anesthetics with

a prostate block may help alleviate patient discomfort. In a multinational prospective trial of PUL performance of 5 procedures was necessary to become comfortable with the device.5 Our experience mirrors this as well and we would agree that the learning curve is relatively quick. Nevertheless, it should be noted that this learning curve occurred in a clinical trial setting where variable anesthesia ranging from local to intravenous sedation was offered. One would expect Selleckchem RAD001 a steeper learning selleck chemicals curve when local anesthesia is the mainstay. Moreover, a pivotal marketing

message for PUL is preservation of ejaculation which may be even more important to a younger, more sexually active population who may be less likely to tolerate such a procedure in the office with a rigid cystoscope. Initially, the safety and feasibility of the device were tested in 19 Australian men with moderate to severe LUTS.6 Criteria for inclusion in the prospective, nonrandomized study were I-PSS greater than 13, peak urinary flow rate 5 to 12 mL/second, prostate volume 20 to 100 mL, PVR less than 250 mL

and serum PSA less than 10 ng/mL. Followup assessments were conducted at 2 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. A 37% mean reduction in I-PSS and a 40% mean reduction in quality of life compared to baseline were observed at the 2-week followup visit. Improvements were sustained and at 12-month followup there was a 39% reduction in I-PSS and a 48% reduction old in quality of life compared to baseline. The most common adverse event was hematuria in 12 subjects (63%) followed by dysuria in 11 (58%) and irritative symptoms in 9 (47%). Hematuria and dysuria resolved in 3 to 5 days, and irritative symptoms resolved within a month. In a prospective multicenter trial in Australia the UroLift device was evaluated for long-term efficacy in 64 men with moderate to severe LUTS.1 Study participants were 55 years old or older (range 53 to 83) with significant duration of LUTS (range 6 months to 23 years). Criteria for eligibility included I-PSS greater than 13, PVR less than 250 mL and Qmax 5 to 12 mL/second. Exclusion criteria were PSA greater than 10 ng/mL, history of urinary retention, active infection, previous prostate surgery as well as any contraindications for the UroLift procedure (eg presence of an obstructive median lobe). Subjects were followed for 2 years, with assessments at 2 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months and 24 months. Assessments included I-PSS, quality of life, BPH Impact Index, Qmax and PVR.

Funding for this study was received from the Wellcome Trust We a

Funding for this study was received from the Wellcome Trust. We are grateful to Mwanza local government health and education authorities for their assistance, and to all respondents for their participation in interviews

or group discussions. Contributors: PLX4032 The principal investigators of this study include DW-J (grant holder), JC, and RH. PR and DW-J designed the qualitative study, with input from DR, DW, JC, SdS, SK and RH. The fieldwork was conducted by VS, supervised by PR. Data analysis was done by PR and VS. PR wrote the initial draft of this manuscript; all authors reviewed and commented on the manuscript before finalisation. Conflicts of interest: The Wellcome Trust funded this study. Deborah Watson-Jones has received research support from GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals for research on HPV vaccines. Silvia de Sanjose has received cAMP inhibitor occasional travel funds to conferences/symposia/meetings by either GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi Pasteur

MSD, Merck & Co. or Qiagen. “
“Despite current therapeutic developments, high frequencies of patients who undergo hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) experience episodes of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) viral reactivation or become newly infected, which are major causes of morbidity and death for the affected patients. Tetramer monitoring studies post-HSCT have demonstrated that the presence and expansion of HCMV-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) post-reactivation seemed to protect the patients against recurrent reactivations [1]. No clinical vaccines are currently available against HCMV in the transplantation setting, although several types such as live attenuated, DNA subunit and recombinant vaccines are in development [2]. Studies correlating the level of innate and adaptive immune responses with the

disease outcome have demonstrated that the strongest protection against HCMV is mediated by virus-specific T-cell memory responses and recovery of natural killer cell function [3]. Dendritic cells (DCs) are potent immune adjuvants capable of priming adaptive long-lasting immune responses and of reverting chronicity-induced immunologic anergy or tolerance. Therefore, Linifanib (ABT-869) their use to prevent acute infections or to resolve chronic pathogens in lymphopenic hosts has broad potential. Phase I/II studies including allogeneic SCT recipients at high risk for HCMV disease who were vaccinated with peptide-loaded DCs showed a significant clinical benefit with clear induction of HCMV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) [4]. Unfortunately, current ex vivo DC production methodologies in the laboratory remain highly costly and inconsistent, demand several days for production and are impractical for large-scale and routine clinical use. In order to overcome these limitations, our novel approach is the use of lentiviral vectors (LVs) expressing cytokine combinations capable to induce monocytes to autonomously differentiate into dendritic cells after only one day of ex vivo gene transfer.

One of the main HPV vaccines available also protects against vira

One of the main HPV vaccines available also protects against viral subtypes associated with the development of some cases of genital warts [4] – thus decreasing the burden of disease

associated with this common condition. Maximum prevention efficacy against cervical cancer is achieved by targeting the vaccine at the pre-sexual exposure age group, and in most settings this will be the young adolescent years (usually ages 9–13) [5] and [6]. HPV vaccination is not a stand-alone effort in the prevention and control of HPV, however, and WHO recommends additional secondary and tertiary prevention interventions including regular cervical cancer screening for women in selected age groups

and access to treatment for women and men diagnosed with cancers [7]. Targeting vaccines against sexually transmitted 3-Methyladenine supplier infections (STIs) at young age groups may offer an opportunity to “catalyze a life course approach” to promoting and protecting sexual health 7, but is also fraught with challenges. In the next section we explore some of the policy options for vaccine programmes, and consider how these may be modified Afatinib in vivo for this particular age group and for infections transmitted through sexual exposure. Public health interventions are, in general, based on principles of utilitarian goals [8] – i.e. actions designed to positively and maximally contribute to the well-being of everyone equally. Additionally, according to international human rights standards, everyone, without discrimination, has the right to the highest attainable standard of health [9], [10] and [11]. All SB-3CT people also have the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress [12], including in relation to needed vaccines. Vaccines are seen as a “public good” – in that they are non-rival and [ideally] non-excludable, there are positive externalities associated with consumption, and negative externalities associated with non-consumption

[13]. Vaccines of proven efficacy should therefore be available to everyone. Vaccination programmes are seen as a public health success story in the control of communicable infections. So successful that they are ranked at number 3 in the global “best buys” in development [14]. In general, vaccine programmes enjoy a large degree of public and policy support. Ideally, decisions about whether and how to employ vaccines should be based on scientific evidence concerning parameters such as burden of preventable disease, vaccine efficacy and cost-effectiveness. In practice, however, vaccine policies are subject to the routine ‘politics’ of decision-making which are driven by the classical triad of policy-making, namely the ongoing interaction among ideas, interests and institutions [15] – which can at times be conflictual.

The paced breathing was first practised using a metronome in the

The paced breathing was first practised using a metronome in the laboratory until it could be reliably performed without the metronome. Patients rested for 5 seconds after every 6 deep breaths. Training was performed at home for 30 minutes, twice PI3K inhibitor a day, every day for 8 weeks. Patients in the control group were

asked to continue with their normal daily life. Home-based measurements: Subjects were taught to measure their blood pressure at home with a digital upperarm blood pressure monitoring device a. Two measurements were made in the morning between 7.00 and 9.00 am, after at least 5 minutes rest while sitting in a comfortable chair. Subjects were asked to refrain from physical activity or caffeine for at least 30 minutes before the measurement. Resting heart rate was measured by the same device whilst the blood pressure was being

measured. Data were recorded daily in the week before training and likewise in the week after the training program had ended. Two measurements were made on each day and the values averaged to give single values for that day. The measurements made on the seven days during each of these weeks were averaged to give single values pre- and post-training for each patient. Patients were contacted once a week during the training to monitor their well-being and compliance. Laboratory-based measurements: Laboratory-based blood pressure measurements were made on one occasion in the week before training and within 3 days of the end of the training. Blood pressure was measured between 9.00 and 12.00 am with an automatic digital bedside Regorafenib monitor b after at least 15 minutes rest while sitting. Subjects were asked not to smoke or consume caffeine for 30 minutes before the measurements. The electrocardiogram was recorded with bipolar limb leads and resting heart rate calculated from averaged three consecutive R-R intervals. Two measurements were made on each occasion and the values were averaged to give single values pre- and post-training for each patient. crotamiton Participants were trained by physiotherapists from Khon Kaen University. We sought to detect a difference

of 10 mmHg in blood pressure between groups. Assuming a standard deviation of 7.5 mmHg, 10 participants per group would provide 80% power to detect as significant, at the two-sided 5% level, a 10-mmHg difference in blood pressure between groups. To allow for loss to follow-up, the total sample size was increased to 40 participants. Pulse pressure was taken as the difference between systolic and diastolic pressures and mean arterial pressure was calculated as diastolic blood pressure plus one-third of pulse pressure. A two-way AVOVA with post hoc analysis (Tukey’s test) was used to compare the mean values before and after training within groups and differences in mean changes between groups. Data are presented as means and standard deviations or 95% CIs. Statistical significance was assumed at p ≤ 0.05.

Le traitement d’hommes obèses par un inhibiteur de l’aromatase in

Le traitement d’hommes obèses par un inhibiteur de l’aromatase induit une élévation nette de la LH et de la testostéronémie Tanespimycin mouse ce qui montre que l’œstradiol circulant, issu de la conversion de la testostérone par l’aromatase adipocytaire, est un des facteurs clés expliquant

l’inertie gonadotrope de l’homme obèse [24]. D’autre part, la réponse du testicule endocrine de l’homme obèse à la stimulation gonadotrope est réduite par rapport à celle de l’adulte normo-pondéral [25]. L’obésité s’accompagne, outre d’un hyperinsulinisme, d’une augmentation proportionnelle à l’IMC du taux plasmatique de leptine, peptide produit par le tissu adipeux. Les cellules de Leydig du testicule expriment à la fois les récepteurs de l’insuline et de la leptine. L’un et l’autre de ces peptides hormonaux exercent un effet inhibiteur direct sur la stéroïdogenèse

testiculaire et pourraient contribuer ainsi à l’atténuation de la réponse du testicule endocrine à la stimulation gonadotrope via le récepteur LH/hCG Leydigien [26] and [27]. L’abaissement du taux de testostérone plasmatique observé chez l’homme obèse semble donc relever de plusieurs mécanismes conjugués qui concourent à l’établissement d’un profil combinant hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope, réduction des fractions libre et/ou http://www.selleckchem.com/products/PD-0332991.html liée de la testostérone plasmatique et paresse Leydigienne (figure 3) [28]. L’ensemble de ces modifications de l’équilibre androgénique apparaît susceptible d’induire des conséquences cliniques, de faciliter l’émergence d’un SMet et d’influer négativement second sur l’équilibre glycémique. De nombreuses études ont évalué la fréquence de l’hypotestostéronémie

relative au cours du SMet. Les patients dont les caractéristiques correspondent aux critères du SMet ont un taux de testostérone plasmatique significativement inférieur d’au moins 2 nmol/L (0,6 ng/mL) par comparaison aux appariés du même âge dénués de SMet [29]. Une récente méta-analyse [30] a regroupé les données de 52 études d’observation effectuées sur ce thème. Les données recueillies dans une population de 22 043 hommes ont ainsi pu être analysées et les résultats comparés en fonction de l’existence ou non d’un SMet. Cette méta-analyse confirme que les taux de testostérone totale, de SHBG et de testostérone libre sont significativement inférieurs chez les hommes dont le profil est caractéristique du SMet par rapport à ceux qui en sont dépourvus. Par ailleurs, l’hypogonadisme avéré apparaît plus fréquent chez les patients atteints de SMet [6] and [31] et inversement la prévalence du SMet est plus élevée chez l’homme hypogonadique [32] and [33]. Le lien de causalité entre hypotestostéronémie et SMet n’est pas simple à établir. En effet, plusieurs études longitudinales effectuées chez l’homme suggèrent que la testostérone plasmatique puisse jouer un rôle physiopathologique dans le SMet [32], [34] and [35].

Each petri dish was placed with one worms and observed for paraly

Each petri dish was placed with one worms and observed for paralysis or death. Mean time for paralysis was noted when no movement of any sort could be observed, except when the worm was shaken vigorously; the time death of worm (min) was recorded after ascertaining that worms neither moved when shaken nor when given external stimuli. The test results ( Table 7) were compared with Reference compound Metronidazole (10 mg/ml) treated samples. The B. diffusa Fig. 1 leaves-opposite in unequal pairs, larger ones 25–37 mm long and smaller ones 12–18 mm long ovate-oblong or suborbicular, apex rounded or slightly pointed, base subcordate or rounded, green and glabrous MAPK Inhibitor Library above, whitish

below, margin entire or subundulate, dorsal side pinkish in certain cases, thick in texture, petioles nearly as long as the blade, slender. Stem-greenish purple, stiff, slender, cylindrical, swollen

at nodes, minutely pubescent or early glabrous, prostrate divericately branched, branches from common stalk, often more than a meter long. Transverse Obeticholic Acid molecular weight section of leaf shows Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. The Transverse section of Leaf shows anomocytic stomata on both sides, numerous, a few short hairs, 3–4 celled, present on the margin and on veins, palisade one layered, spongy parenchyma 2–4 layered with small air spaces, idioblasts containing raphides, occasionally cluster crystal of calcium oxalate and orange-red resinous matter present in mesophyll. The plant B. diffusa (Nyctaginaceae) was screened for its macroscopical, microscopical, Physiochemical parameters, and florescence analysis

(day light, long UV), showed that they all within limit. Made the ethanolic extracts of the plant leaves by continuous hot extraction by Soxhlet apparatus, the percentage value of the extracts was 9.35%w/w. Preliminary phytochemical Isotretinoin analysis of ethanolic extracts showed the presence of alkaloids, Amino acids, Carbohydrates, Saponins, Tannins, and Triterpenes active phytoconstituents.  Fig. 8 data revealed that the ethanol extract showed anthelmintic activity at a concentration of 100 mg/ml, paralysis and death at similar concentrations. The other test concentrations of the extracts showed marked degree of anthelmintic activity. The anthelmintic 5 effect of extracts Fig. 10, Fig. 11, Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 is comparable with that of the effect produced by the standard drug Metronidazole Fig. 9. Parasitic helminths affect animals and man, causing considerable hardship and stunted growth. Hundreds of millions if not billions of human infections by helminthes exist worldwide and increased world travel and immigration from the developing countries. However tremendous advances have been made during the previous decade and a substantial number of synthetic precursors have been derived to cope up the damage caused by parasite, but unfortunately no effective medicine has been developed so far.

These databases were cross-referenced with the subject’s medical

These databases were cross-referenced with the subject’s medical record. Event rates were calculated per 1000 person-months. For each incidence rate comparison between LAIV recipients and a control group, a rate ratio was calculated. Rate comparisons of individual MAEs were made for each setting (clinic, ED, and hospital) separately; for PSDIs, comparisons were made for all settings combined. For MAEs occurring

in the hospital setting, any duration of inpatient hospitalization was considered, GSK1349572 solubility dmso whereas a hospitalization >24 h was required for an SAE. For each control group, rate comparisons were made for each period (3, 21 or 42 days, 6 months, entire study period) and setting (clinic, hospital, ED) as outlined in Table 1. Relative risks (RR) were calculated as the ratio of the incidence rates of the two comparison groups without adjustment for any covariate. Hazard ratios (HR) were also calculated adjusting for matching factors and seasonal Selleck Cisplatin changes in background rates. Adjusted HR were obtained from the Cox proportional hazards model implementing the counting-process style of input [16]. This style of input facilitated the use of calendar time as the time structure of the model which removes

any seasonal effects. A statistically significant increased risk associated with LAIV vaccination was declared if the lower bound of the exact 95% CI for the RR or the CI for the adjusted HR constructed from the Cox proportional model was >1.00. Likewise, a statistically significant decreased risk associated with LAIV vaccination was declared if the upper bound of either 95% CI was <1.00. Statistical significance was

determined prior to rounding. According to the prespecified data analysis plan, confidence intervals were constructed without adjustment for multiple comparisons. To facilitate interpretation of the results, a post hoc analysis was conducted using the Bonferroni method and statistical significance TCL was declared at the adjusted significance level of 0.000002. The sample size of 20,000 provided ≥90% power within each age group to observe a statistically significant increased relative risk if the true relative risk was ≥2.0 for events that occurred at a rate of 1 in 500 or if the true relative risk was ≥2.5 for events that occurred at a rate of 1 in 1000. For events that occurred at rates of 1 in 100 or 1 in 50, the study provided ≥90% power to observe a statistically significant increased relative risk if the true RR was ≥1.4 or ≥1.25, respectively. All analyses were performed using SAS® statistical software, Version 8.2 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). A total of 21,340 subjects 18–49 years of age were vaccinated with the Ann Arbor strain LAIV during the 5 study seasons. LAIV recipients were matched to 21,340 unvaccinated subjects and 18,316 TIV recipients. Subject characteristics are summarized in Table 2.

The exercise is recommended for both men and women for conditions

The exercise is recommended for both men and women for conditions GABA pathway related to the pelvic area. Non-randomised studies: No studies were found. Randomised trials: No randomised trials on the effect of Tai Chi on female stress urinary incontinence were found. Phase: Development phase. Theory: The pelvic floor works in co-ordination with breathing. Holding the breath may increase intra-abdominal

pressure and thus cause descent, stretching, and weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. Lee et al (2008) suggested that ‘non-optimal strategies for posture, movement and/ or breathing create failed load transfer which can lead to pain, incontinence and/or breathing disorders’. Caufriez (1997) has developed a technique called the abdominal hypopressive technique, Lapatinib concentration which combines a special respiration technique with abdominal indrawing. He hypothesizes that it ‘relaxes the diaphragm, decreases intraabdominal pressure and may activate the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles simultaneously’. Non-randomised studies: In a laboratory study of six healthy continent women, Hodges et al (2007) assessed the responses of pelvic floor muscles during arm movements

and different respiratory tasks using anal and vaginal surface EMG. They found that all but one woman had greater vaginal EMG activity during expiration than in inspiration. During breathing with increased dead space for 90 sec, pelvic floor muscle EMG increased during both respiratory

phases compared to quiet breathing, but was greater during expiration. Intra-abdominal pressure increased during inspiration, and during hypercapnea intraabdominal pressure increased more during inspiration. However, vaginal EMG was greater during expiration, which the authors attributed to a response of the pelvic floor muscles to contraction of the abdominal muscles. Lee et al (2008) used these data to suggest that ‘development of pelvic floor dysfunction is also related to other disorders such as low back pain and breathing disorders’. Stupp et al (2011) found that Etomidate the abdominal hypopressive technique was significantly less effective than voluntary pelvic floor muscle contraction alone in activating the pelvic floor muscles measured with vaginal surface EMG and there was no additional effect of adding the hypopressive technique to the pelvic floor muscle contraction. A laboratory study of 12 healthy women with mean age 31 (range 20 to 51) measured vaginal pressure in the posterior fornix during cough and different exercises with and without conscious breathing (O’Dell et al 2007). In contrast to the previous findings, these authors did not find any difference in intra-abdominal pressure with breath-holding or expiration.

It was this second wave of pMHC+ cells that was essential for ful

It was this second wave of pMHC+ cells that was essential for full CD4+ T cell differentiation and effector function. We observed very similar kinetics using our EαGFP fusion protein, to that reported

previously and following the initial appearance of GFP+ and Y-Ae+ cells in the draining LNs at 1–4 h, these cells decreased until 12–24 h when a second wave of migrants arrived GDC-0449 from the injection site. By 24 h we observed large numbers of Y-Ae+ cells, although they showed considerable heterogeneity with respect to both GFP and CD11c expression. This may reflect different states of maturation and/or different cell lineages (e.g. myeloid DC vs. pDC). Although we observed Y-Ae+ and GFP+ cells in non-draining LNs (data not shown), the low frequency of these cells highlights how Ag distribution and thus effective Ag dose, has important consequences for the location and/or duration of Ag presentation. Similarly, when we immunised with different Ag doses we observed rapid diminution of our ability to detect

cell-associated Ag and pMHC complexes with decreasing Ag dose. Ag doses lower Perifosine purchase than 100 μg substantially decreased our ability to detect GFP+ or Y-Ae+ cells within both the CD11c+ and CD11clow/− populations, however we were confident that we could detect cells from these unpurified cell suspensions down to a dose of 1 μg–100 ng. Selective enrichment of

Y-Ae+ cells may further improve the sensitivity of these analyses. Collectively, our results using EαGFP (and EαRFP) protein, highlight the impact of Ag dose and distribution and importance of detailed kinetic analyses for detecting rare pMHC cells in vivo. Nevertheless, we did detect rare pMHC+CD11c+ cells in the peripheral LNs of pDNA-immunised mice, 3 days after injection. In contrast to the clearly defined, although heterogeneous, Y-Ae+ cells we observed 24 h after protein injection, we did not these observe a discrete population of pMHChigh cells, but rather an increase in Y-Ae fluorescence intensity of about 14% of CD11c+ cells. This was similar to what we observed 72 h after protein immunisation, when Ag was limiting. We were unable to demonstrate CD11c+pMHC+ cells in tissue sections, which was not particularly surprising as we observed only a slight increase in fluorescence intensity by flow cytometry. However, we observed dispersed Y-Aehigh cells in the subcapsular sinus of draining LNs, 3 days after injection of Eα-expressing plasmids. Due to the scarcity of these cells we were unable to phenotype them further, but their location in the subcapsular sinus suggests they had migrated to the LNs in afferent lymphatics or were subcapsular sinus resident macrophages [45] and [46].

Please see below the corrected table “
“Furocoumarins are w

Please see below the corrected table. “
“Furocoumarins are well known natural or synthetic compounds, which derive from a linear (psoralens) or angular (angelicins) condensation of a coumarin with a furan ring. Some of them are

employed in PUVA (Psoralen + UVA) therapy for the treatment of autoimmune or hyper-proliferative skin diseases, including psoriasis and vitiligo. PUVA therapy efficacy is due to a combination of psoralen administration and UV-A irradiation. In fact, when activated by UV-A light, furocoumarins induce many biological effects, such as photocycloadditions to DNA, immune system modulation, reactions with proteins, RNA and lipids [1]. Thanks to CP 868596 the development of the photopheresis, the PUVA therapy has amplified its application to some specific tumor forms such as cutaneous T-cell lymphoma [2]. Although the first furocoumarin was introduced in clinical practice as early as 1974 [3], these molecules

still draw the attention of the scientific community. In fact, many new potential therapeutic applications for furocoumarins are found. For instance, some psoralen derivatives, such as 8-methoxypsoralen, MEK inhibitor review showed anticonvulsant properties [4]; 4,6,4′-trimethylangelicin demonstrated to be potentially useful in the treatment of cystic fibrosis thanks to its anti-inflammatory activity and its potentiating action on the CFTR membrane channel whose dysfunction causes that disease [5]. Moreover, furocoumarins were found to induce various processes of differentiation. Psoralen is able to stimulate osteoblast

differentiation without irradiation as demonstrated by Tang et al. [6], while with or without light activation, many furocoumarins induce erythroid differentiation in different cellular models [7], [8] and [9]. This latter property can be useful for the treatment of hematologic diseases, such as β-thalassemia: at present, an important therapeutic strategy is the administration of fetal hemoglobin (Hb) inducers to reduce clinical symptoms and blood transfusion requirement [10]. The aim of our study was to evaluate the activity of six linear and five angular furocoumarins on the induction of erythroid differentiation expression of globin no genes in the human leukemia cell line K562. These molecules were not fully checked for their potential erythro-differentiation so far. The K562 cell line, isolated from a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia in blast crisis, is often used as in vitro experimental system for the first screening of new fetal Hb inducers [11]. The K562 cell line presents a low amount of Hb-synthesizing cells under standard cell-growth conditions. After the treatment with suitable inducing compounds, massive erythroid induction occurs, with a clear increase in the expression of human α and γ globin genes and a cytoplasmic accumulation of Hb Portland (ζ2γ2) and Hb Gower 1 (ζ2ε2) [10], [12] and [13].