To express the final form of the propagator, two further factors<

To express the final form of the propagator, two further factors

related to the frequencies f  00 and f  11 are defined: equation(16) OG=kGE-f00OE=f11-kGEN=OG+OEand so OGOE=OG*OE*=kEGkGE, and N=h3+ih4=h2+ih1, a quantity equal to kEX in the fast exchange limit ( Supplementary Section 1). In terms of these variables, the free precession evolution matrix is: equation(17) O=e-tR2GNB00e-tf00+B11e-tf11where equation(18) B00=OEkEGkGEOGandB11=OG-kEG-kGEOE. As OEOG = kEGkGE, both B00/N and B11/Nare idempotent such that (Bxx/N)n = Bxx/N where xx = 00, 11. The form of these matrices allows us to gain physical insight into the coefficients. OE/N can be interpreted as a coefficient associated with the proportion of the ensemble that ‘stay’ either in the Selleck Buparlisib ground or excited state, within the ensemble, for the duration of the free precession, and OG/N is the coefficient associated with the molecules that effectively ‘swap’ from the ground state ensemble to the excited state, and vice versa, during free precession. ABT-737 molecular weight Together, these matrices define the ‘composition’ of the mixed ground and excited state ensembles.

Both B00/N and B11/N are idempotent and orthogonal, and so when the matrices are raised to a power: equation(19) On=e-ntR2gNB00e-ntf00+B11e-ntf11 The observed ground state signal is therefore given by (Eq. (8)): equation(20) IG(t)=e-tR2GNe-tf00pGf11+pE(kEX-f00)+e-tf11-pGf00+pE(f11-kEX) The spectrum will be a weighted sum of precisely two resonances that evolve with complex frequencies f00 and f11 ( Fig. 2A). When considering chemical exchange from a microscopic perspective, it is intuitive that any single molecule will not spend all of its time in any one of the two states. Nevertheless, two ensembles can be identified, loosely described as those that spend most of their time on the ground state and those that spend most of their time on the excited state, associated with frequencies f00 and f11, and weighting matrices B00 and

B11, respectively. C1GALT1 Armed with O (Eq. (19)), expressions for both for a Hahn Echo, and the CPMG propagator can be derived. The basic repeating unit of the CPMG experiment is a Hahn echo, where two delays of duration τcp are separated by a 180° pulse, H = O*O. Two of these are required to give us the CPMG propagator, P = H*H. H can be determined from Eq. (19): equation(21) H=e-2τcpR2GNN*B00*e-τcpf00*+B11*e-τcpf11*B00e-τcpf00+B11e-τcpf11 Expanding this reveals four discrete frequencies that correspond to sums and differences of f00 and f11 ( Fig. 2B). That which ‘stays’ in the same ensemble (exp(−τcp(f00 + f00*)) or exp(−τcp(f11 + f11*))) for the duration will be refocused. That which start in one, then effectively ‘swaps’ after the first 180° pulse will accrue net phase (exp(−τcp(f00 + f11*)) or exp(−τcp(f11 + f00*))).

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