This takes into account the fact that Ca2+ binding to troponin C

This takes into account the fact that Ca2+ binding to troponin C removes the inhibition of cross-bridge cycling,

so that binding of myosin heads to actin binding sites becomes possible [32,33]. On the other hand, [Ca2+] is known to strongly activate force development. Here it is assumed that this may be caused by an increase in cross-bridge concentration [CB]. By introducing a [Ca2+] dependent KBref (see (A14)), a sigmoid variation in both [CB] and force F by [Ca2+] can be obtained (Figure 4.). Figure 4 Developed force and cross-bridge concentration [CB] and their dependence on [Ca2+]. (red squares) force; (blue circles) [CB]. Notice that Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical at the given dimensioning of the right ordinate a matching of results is obtained. At steady state, a certain [CB] is produced by [Ca2+] activated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical JStr, and in addition by [Ca2+] inhibited JEn (see (A14)). The inhibition of JEn by [Ca2+] is brought about by a decrease of AEnP with increasing [Ca2+].

This is possible because this reaction proceeds at a very high conductance and therefore, is close to equilibrium. So already a small variation of the driving force can produce a large change in the reaction velocity. In this way, a sensible, [Ca2+] dependent adjustment of [CB] and force can be achieved. An elevation of [Ca2+] thus increases both shortening velocity Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as well as force development. The total myosin head concentration ([MHEn] + [CB]) of a half-sarcomere amounts to 656 µM (see Methods). At a saturating [Ca2+] of 1.08 µM, fluxes JEn and JStr are so adjusted as to yield a concentration of [CB] = 0.25 ([MHEn] + [CB]), i.e., at this [Ca2+], 25% of myosin heads form cross-bridges Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and thus are involved with cycling and force generation. At [Ca2+] = 0.36 µM, only about 3% of cross-bridges are engaged, and at 0.09µM [Ca2+], [CB] is further markedly reduced, which means that now near resting conditions are reached. It seems plausible to suggest that during shortening Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical it is not always the same group of cross-bridges that is active, but that, e.g., at 1.08 µM [Ca2+], four different groups may alternately be involved with contraction. The cycling frequency of an individual cross-bridge aminophylline would

then be much lower than the frequency of ATP splitting, which might be advantageous, especially at high velocities. Furthermore, an alternating involvement of groups may be absolutely INCB28060 necessary for a smooth shortening. How this might be accomplished is so far not known. An involvement of special filaments of the sarcomere cytoskeleton [34,35,36], which may be responsible for a subtle sensing of load forces and an undisturbed takeover of a given load by a new fraction of cross-bridges during synchronous stroking, seems indispensable. The values of maximal tension (=force/unit area in N/m2 = Pa, Pa = Pasqual) obtained from SIMGLYgen (A16) in the present study are comparable to experimental values. For instance, a value of 372 kPa (from F0 = 7.

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