This structure change tunes magnetic and transport properties dra

This structure change tunes magnetic and transport properties dramatically. The magnetic ground state switches from an itinerant metamagnetic state for Sr3Ru2O7 to a nearly ferromagnetic state for (Sr0.9Ca0.1)(3)Ru2O7. The Fermi liquid behavior occurs in Sr3Ru2O7, but is suppressed in (Sr0.9Ca0.1)(3)Ru2O7. These results strongly suggest that lattice, spin, and charge degrees of freedom are strongly coupled in this system. The band width narrowing caused by the structure distortion

should be responsible for the enhancement of ferromagnetic correlations and the change of transport properties. Selleck PARP inhibitor (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3074784]“
“This study evaluated the antibacterial activity of Anadenanthera colubrina, Libidibia ferrea and Pityrocarpa moniliformis fruit extracts against clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus. The samples were active for all S. aureus strains (minimum inhibitory concentration: 0.38-3.13mgmL(-1)), including the multiresistant strain. The morphological changes suggested the cell wall as the main action target. The treated-cells also lose their ability to form aggregates. The analysis suggests cell wall

impairment, which causes the loss of viability and death. This study showed for the first time the morphologic alterations involved in the anti-S. aureus action of fruits of A. colubrina, L. ferrea and P. moniliformis. These findings indicated that these fruit extracts are sources of bioactive compounds that can be used JAK inhibitor as antibacterial agents.”
“To GDC-0449 order explore the use of CAM (Complementary/Alternative Medicine) in a population of cancer patients undergoing antineoplastic therapy, and to compare differences in sociodemographics, quality of life, and psychological features between CAM users and non-users.

The study population was consecutive cancer patients undergoing antineoplastic treatment in three Piedmont cancer centers. Data were collected from anonymous questionnaires investigating CAM use or not, and what type if used, and sociodemographics, and through validated

psychometric instruments to assess psychological features: Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the Mini Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale.

Of the 288 evaluable patients, 52 (18.1%) reported using one or more types of CAM; the most often cited were herbs, special diets and body-based practices, such as plantar reflexology, chiropractic application, and massage. On quality of life assessment, CAM users scored lower than CAM non-users for physical wellbeing (P = 0.006); no significant differences emerged for anxiety and depression and coping styles.

CAM use is less prevalent in northern Italy than in most other European countries. CAM users were found to have a lower quality of life than CAM non-users.

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