The penultimate step was to find links and relationships between

The penultimate step was to find links and relationships between the themes and GSK-3 inhibitor review the final step was the formulation of theory. To achieve methodological rigour, rich accounts of the population (for transferability) and research method (for dependability) were recorded. Purposive sampling techniques

and the presentation of multiple viewpoints held by patients were used to increase credibility. Documentation of coherent links between collected data and generated themes (using verbatim quotations from the patients as evidence) and member checking (to validate the transcripts and researchers’ interpretation) were completed for confirmability. The research process was documented in detail and preserved so that an audit trail was possible. Finally, the results of the qualitative analysis see more were triangulated against quantitative results from a independent group of patients (n = 105) from the same setting who were

enrolled in the same randomised controlled trial of providing additional Saturday rehabilitation (Peiris et al 2012). As researchers cannot avoid taking their own experiences with them into the research process (Johnson and Waterfield 2004) brief summaries of the researcher’s backgrounds are provided to enhance reflexivity. The principal researcher (CP) was a physiotherapist at the rehabilitation centre and was not involved in the treatment of the patients. The other researchers (NT and NS) were physiotherapists, worked at an affiliated university, and had experience in qualitative research. Nineteen of the 20 patients invited to participate took part in the study, 11 of whom received the extra Saturday therapy. One participant could not take part in the study as she was discharged home prior to the scheduled interview. The mean age of the participants was 77 years (range 60–92). Sixteen participants were women, 14 had an orthopaedic condition (most commonly total hip replacement) and five had a neurological condition (most commonly stroke) (see Table 2). All participants had experienced at least two Saturdays at the rehabilitation centre. The average length of stay in the rehabilitation

centre at the time of interview was 27 days (range 14–78). All participants agreed with their transcripts and the researchers’ interpretation of emerging aminophylline themes so only one round of member-checking was completed. Nine physiotherapists (5 women), median age 25 years (IQR 24 to 32) were involved in the care of the interviewed patients. Five of these were junior physiotherapists (aged 21–25 years with one month to two years of professional experience) and four were senior physiotherapists (aged 27–51 years with 4–28 years of professional experience). The physiotherapists had been working in their profession for a median of 2.5 years (IQR 1.8 to 8) and had worked at the rehabilitation centre for a median of 1 year (IQR 0.5 to 3.3).

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