The half-day Modulators assessment was chosen as it afforded the introduction of blinded assessment, in comparison to the longitudinal assessments undertaken by clinical educators who could not be blinded to the education model being delivered. Satisfaction with the teaching and learning experience on completion of each model was measured via survey for both the supervising clinical educator and the student. Clinical Tenofovir in vivo educators recorded a range of workplace statistics, including number of
patients seen, time spent on administrative tasks, direct teaching, student supervision, and quality assurance activities. Educator workload statistics were recorded at the end of each day on a form generated during the model development phase.21 Days where educators were absent were excluded from the results. Students recorded a range of learning activity statistics, including number of times treating patients, observing, providing peer feedback, and engaging in facilitated peer learning activities. Learning activity statistics were recorded on a daily basis, Protease Inhibitor Library using a form created by educator
participants during the model development.21 Days where students were absent were excluded from the results. The Likert scale responses in the surveys were defined as: 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree. The Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice score was compared between groups using linear regression analysis. As this was a crossover trial, data were clustered by participants, and robust variance estimates were calculated to account for this data dependency. TCL The overall between-group result was not adjusted for student characteristics, as student participants contributed equally to both groups. When analysing the Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice scores by clinical area (cardiothoracic and neurological), the results were adjusted for pre-clinical objective
structured clinical examination (OSCE) score. In these clinical area-specific analyses, results were not clustered by participant, as each participant only contributed to one education approach within each clinical area. Educator workload statistics were added across the 5-week block and divided by the number of days worked to yield an average number of minutes per day for each category. The between-group difference was analysed using a linear mixed model. In this model, a random-effect term for educator was nested within one for site, while education approach was a fixed effect. The educator survey results were analysed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test as matched data. The number of student learning activities were added across the 5-week block and divided by the number days present to yield an average number of occurrences per day for each category.