Similarly, isofemale lines of D simulans that were reared on dif

Similarly, isofemale lines of D. simulans that were reared on different diets and at different temperatures showed differences in cuticular hydrocarbon

profiles, which could affect variation in mating behavior, since some cuticular hydrocarbons function as pheromones [ 45]. The topology of genetic networks is altered by environmental interactions and these effects are dependent on epistatic modifiers [ 46]. this website Phenotypic plasticity and genotype-by-environment interactions enable organisms to rapidly adapt to changing environmental conditions and thus affect fitness. Variation in adaptability among individuals to changing environments provides a framework for natural selection, in which the balance between homeostasis and plasticity is optimized. The combination of single gene mutational analyses with quantitative genetic and genomic approaches has led to fundamental, widely applicable insights into the genetic underpinnings of behaviors. Behaviors are emergent properties of complex genetic networks, characterized by pleiotropy and widespread epistasis. These networks are sexually dimorphic and 5-FU supplier sensitive to environmental modulation. They provide at the same time stability and flexibility to the genotype–phenotype relationship. The studies reported to date provide a foundation for more

comprehensive mapping of gene–gene interactions and investigations of the robustness of genetic networks for behaviors during genetic or environmental perturbations. Furthermore, it will be important to incorporate studies on epigenetic mechanisms in systems level analyses of behaviors. Behavioral genetic studies have benefitted from a range of new emerging technologies, such as next generation sequencing and optogenetics. New technologies, such as CRISPR-mediated genome editing [47, 48 and 49••], will enable a more precise dissection of the context-dependent action of individual alleles on the behavioral phenotype and associated transcriptional networks. Single cell transcriptional analysis [50 and 51] may in the future nearly provide insights in how transcriptomes in individual neurons within neuronal

circuits interact to enable the expression of behaviors. Linking the dynamics of complex neural circuits to the dynamics of complex genetic networks that drive behaviors is the next frontier in neurogenetics research. Nothing declared. Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review, have been highlighted as: • of special interest Work in the laboratories of the authors is supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (GM45146, GM076083, GM059469, AA016560, AG043490 and ES021719). “
“Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 2015, 2:8–14 This review comes from a themed issue on Behavioral genetics 2015 Edited by William Davies and Laramie Duncan

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