Similar to recharge sensitivity, increasing

the streambed

Similar to recharge sensitivity, increasing

the streambed sediment conductivity reduces the changes to stream flow (Fig. 11B). Again, this sensitivity is generally apparent at stream segments which experienced the greatest change. It is crucial for water resource management analyses to consider the range of results possible given the sensitivity of results to a particular model feature. In addition to the evaluation of model sensitivities to the variability in aquifer recharge and streambed conductance, the impact of specified head boundary conditions was evaluated. The model mass balance was analyzed to determine whether constant head contributions to groundwater input would change under withdrawal scenarios. The input volume from the constant head boundary Akt inhibitor conditions increased by less than 1% for each of the source scenarios at maximum development, with the exception of the distributed pumping case. Distributed pumping induced a 9% increase in the constant head input volume. This volume is less than the applied recharge, which supports the use of constant head boundary conditions at the edge of the model domain. Mass balance results demonstrate that these boundary conditions SB431542 concentration do not supply unrealistic volumes of water to the aquifer under increased pumping conditions. Although regions that are water-rich encounter fewer water quantity issues as compared

to arid regions, possible implications of energy development and subsequent water demands must be considered. This is particularly

applicable in areas that have barriers – legal, physical, or economic – to alternate sources of drinking water so both the quality and sustainable supply of existing sources must be safeguarded. Simulating water table and stream flow response to high-volume water withdrawal scenarios is effective in quantifying the potential impacts of increased water demand associated with HVHF expansion into New York State. This research emphasized a regional perspective to first determine whether changes to the water table and/or stream flow could be detected under potential development scenarios. Identification of high-impact scenarios and susceptible model areas demonstrates Resminostat the utility of regional groundwater flow modeling in assessing a water quantity concern. The range of development scenarios modeled depict impacts to water resources that are most pronounced at municipal pumping centers and along narrow tributary valleys. Cones of depression would deepen around municipal pumping wells, if postulated HVHF water needs were withdrawn partially or entirely from those wells. Additional drawdown around municipal wells in wide valleys would be negligible. Significant drawdown is simulated in narrow tributary valleys under pumping scenarios that call for HVHF withdrawals from new private wells at valley sites closest to postulated gas wells.

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