Responder controll

Responder controll table 1 by PET-CT scan was planned to be performed 4 weeks after initiation of the therapy. After 2 weeks under ambulatory pharmacological therapy the patient presented in the emergency room with an acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding. CT confirmed a dramatic bleeding from the upper GI tract necessitating mass blood transfusion (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Tumor size decreased to 7 �� 8 �� 12 cm within only 2 weeks of imatinib treatment. An angiographic CT showed the diffuse tumor bleeding supplied by the gastroduodenal artery and some branches of the superior mesenterial artery. The diffuse bleeding forbade a coiling of the vessels. During the emergency laparotomy an encapsulated tumor mass could be identified, originating from the descendent part of the duodenum and reaching both the pancreatic caput and the right flexure of the colon.

Obviously the giant tumor had led to a bleeding by arrosion of peripancreatic vessels. After ligation of the vessels supplying the mass a partial pancreaticoduodenectomy (Traverso-Longmire) was performed to resect the tumor (Fig. (Fig.2).2). Additionally a resection of the right hemicolon was performed due to tumor infiltration of the right curvature of the colon. Continuity was reconstructed by gastrojejunostomy (Traverso-Longmire) on the one hand and an end-to-side-pancreaticojejunostomy on the other hand. An ileotransversostomy was performed to reconstruct the gastrointestinal passage. Figure 1 Transversal (left) and coronal (right) CT scans of the abdomen reveal a cystic and necrotic tumor cavity 2 weeks after initiation of imatinib therapy.

Figure 2 Cross-section of the surgical specimen showing the tumor (asterisk) infiltrating the duodenal wall (arrows). Upon macroscopic examination the specimen showed a partially necrotic mesenchymal mass with a diameter of 9 cm, an infiltration of the duodenal wall leading to ulceration and perforation, an infiltration of the pancreas and two peripankreatic tumor islands (Fig. (Fig.2).2). There were no signs of metastases in locoregional lymphnodes. Histological examination of the tumour tissue revealed the typical appearance of a GIST composed of cells with spindle-shaped nuclei (Fig.(Fig.3D).3D). Immunohistochemically the tumour cells showed an expression of Vimentin (Fig. (Fig.3C)3C) and CD117 (Fig. (Fig.

3E),3E), a focal expression of CD34, smooth-muscle-actin (not shown) and a nuclear expression of the proliferation-associated Ki-67-antigen in approximately 5-10% of the tumour cells (Fig. (Fig.3F).3F). The tumour was negative for Batimastat S-100 and Keratin (not shown). Figure 3 A) GIST infiltrating adjacent Pancreas; asterisk = pancreatic glands and ducts, arrows = GIST [hematoxylin-eosin staining, Original magnification 50��]. B) GIST perforating into the lumen of the duodenum; asterisk = mucosa of the duodenum, arrowheads …

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