Olivier LAMBERT at the University of Bordeaux (Group “Chimie et Biologie
des Membranes et Nano-objets”, UMR 5248 CNRS). Each sample (5μL) was deposited on a grid covered with a carbon film having 2μm diameter holes Fulvestrant supplier previously exposed to treatment with UV-ozone. The excess of water was removed by absorption with filter paper to form a thin layer of water suspended inside the holes. This grid was then plunged quickly (EM CPC, Leica) in liquid ethane (−178°C). Rapid freezing of the thin layer of liquid water in vitreous ice (absence of crystals) preserved biological structures. Grids were then placed in a suitable object carrier for observing the samples at −170°C. Observation under a microscope (FEI Tecna F20) Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical was carried out in the mode low dose, limiting the effects Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of beam irradiation on the lipid material. Images were recorded using an ultrasensitive camera (Gatan, USC 1000) 2K2K with pixel size of 14μm. The
electron dose used was 10–20 electrons/Å2. The image resolution under these conditions was about 2nm. 2.7. Lipid Composition of Liposomes and Archaeosomes by HPTLC The lipid compositions Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of formulations were determined after ultrafiltration. The samples were filtered through 10 000 NMWL pore filters (Micron YM-10, Millipore Corporation) by ultracentrifugation at 15 000g for 1 hour at 15°C. The supernatants were recovered, lyophilized, dissolved in 1mL of methanol, and analyzed by HPTLC using the automated HPTLC system from CAMAG (Muttenz, Switzerland). The samples, the appropriate lipid standard solutions and a blank solution composed by pure methanol were spotted on 20 × 10cm HPTLC plates using the Automatic TLC Sampler 4 from CAMAG (Muttenz, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Switzerland). Each lane was spotted 10mm above the bottom edge of the plate and was 6mm length
with 17mm spacing between lanes. The spotting volume was 10μL or 20μL. A maximum of 20 lanes was spotted on a single plate. After evaporation of the sample solvent, the plates were developed in a closed twin trough chamber for 2010cm plates (CAMAG) containing 10mL of the mobile phase (CHCl3/MeOH/H2O, mafosfamide Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 18/4/0.5) in each trough. The chamber was pre-equilibrated at least 20min before the development. The development was stopped when the solvent had migrated 80mm. The plates were dried on a CAMAG TLC plate heater III at either 60°C for 30min. The HPTLC plates were postchromatographic derivatizated by dipping 5 s into a primuline solution (5mg of primuline in 100mL of acetone/H2O (80/20) mixture). HPTLC plates were then dried at room temperature for 10min and at 60°C for 30min on a CAMAG TLC plate heater III. Plates were then scanned from 6 mm above the bottom edge of the plate to the solvent front, using a CAMAG TLC scanning densitometer. The measurements were performed in fluorescence mode at λ = 366nm with a scanning speed of 20mm/s, a slit dimension of 40.2mm (Micro) and deuterium and tungsten lamps.