LAM performed EtrA binding site identification MFR provided

LAM performed EtrA binding site identification. MFR provided

updated genome sequence annotation. FEL provided laboratory equipment, materials, and funding and supervision for the phenotypic characterization work. JMT PU-H71 supervised experimental work. All Selleck ARN-509 authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.”
“Background Research efforts are currently underway in order to better understand the host-microbe interactions that occur in the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract [1, 2]. Evidence suggests that the upset of the GI microflora balance underlies many diseases and that therapies often start with the restoration of a healthy balance [3]. In this respect, probiotics (i.e. “”live organisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host”" [4]) are gaining widespread recognition as new prevention strategies or therapies for multiple GI diseases [5]. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are indigenous inhabitants of the human GI tract [6]. They also have a long history of traditional use in many industrial and artisanal plant, meat, and dairy fermentations. Based on their putative or proven health-promoting effects, these bacteria are commonly marketed

as probiotics [7]. Some LAB strains have clearly been shown to exert beneficial health effects [8]. However, these effects are known to be strain specific [9], and the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly Rigosertib cell line understood [10]. The level of evidence provided varies greatly depending on studies, and effects associated with most of the marketed products remain unsubstantiated. Current legislations agree to call for scientific substantiation of health claims associated with foods, mainly through well-designed human intervention clinical studies [11]. Therefore, scientific evidence that would help understand the mechanisms behind the activities of probiotics and narrow down the expensive

and time-consuming clinical trials to strains that stand the best chance of success are of great interest. Such evidence may include data from epidemiological studies, from in vivo and in vitro trials, as well as from mechanistic, genomic and proteomic studies. Proteomics plays a pivotal role in linking the however genome and the transcriptome to potential biological functions. As far as probiotics are concerned, comparative proteomics can be used in the identification of proteins and proteomic patterns that may one day serve as bacterial biomarkers for probiotic features [12]. Comparison of differentially expressed proteins within the same strain in different conditions have been performed, shedding light on bacterial adaptation factors to GI tract conditions, such as bile [13–16], acidic pH [18, 19], and adhesion to the gut mucosa [20, 21].

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