In addition, the corticosterone implants to the central nucleus of the amygdala increased levels of CRH expression in the dorsal lateral BNST99 and administration of the type 1 CRH receptors decreased this fear-related response.100 In other tests, pretreatment with the type-1 receptor CRH antagonist ameliorated fear-inducing events, or reactivity to the events,100 (see also refs 101-103 for the role of the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical CRH type-1 receptor; and 104, 105 for the role of the type II receptor). Furthermore, Cook demonstrated that the CRH response in the amygdala of sheep to a natural (dog) and unnatural (footshock) adversity is regulated by glucocorticoids.106 Following
acute exposure to the dog, for example, amygdala CRH had a large increase during exposure to the dog and a second peak corresponding to the increase Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in Cortisol. Administration of a glucocorticoid receptor
antagonist blocked the second CRH peak in the amygdala without affecting the first peak. There is a body of evidence suggesting that the BNST may be important for unconditioned fear107 and that perhaps CRH plays an important role.83 Lesions of the BNST do not interfere with conditioned fear-related responses, unlike lesions Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of regions of the amygdala which interfere with fear-potentiated startle or conditioned freezing.108,109 However, inactivation of the BNST can interfere with unconditioned startle responses109 and with longer-term CRH effects on behavior.109 High chronic plasma levels of corticosterone in adrenally intact rats facilitated CRH-induced startle responses.110 Perhaps what occurs normally Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is that the glucocorticoids, by increasing CRH gene expression, increase the likelihood that something will be perceived as a threat, which results in a startle response. Lesions of the BNST also interfere with unconditioned freezing of rats to a fox odor,111 while amygdala lesions do not.11,112 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Corticosterone can potentiate freezing to predator odor,113 (Rosen et al, unpublished
observations). Perhaps the BNST may be selleckchem linked to CRH-facilitated unconditioned adaptive anxiety and to general anxiety associated with drug abuse and to symptoms associated with pathological generalized anxiety disorder.114-116 Depression, anxiety, CRH, cortisol, brain A genetic predisposition for a hyperactive amygdala has long been thought to result in a vulnerability however to exaggerated fear and perhaps anxiety/depression.11,117 There is a substantial number of findings of increased activity in the amygdala of depressive patients.27,44,118 correlating with negative affect in other medication-free dépressives119 and patients suffering from a number of anxiety disorders.2 In addition, a finding in depressive patients, particularly in those with comorbid anxiety, is hypercortisolemia.