h, i, k = 15 μm. j = 20 μm. BVD-523 chemical structure m, o, p = 5 μm MycoBank MB 516683 Conidiophora in agaro CMD effuse disposita, simplicia, ramis sparsis brevibus praedita, similia Verticillii. Phialides divergentes, lageniformes vel subulatae, (7–)10–17(–26) × (2.0–)2.4–3.0(–3.7) μm. Conidia
ellipsoidea vel oblonga, hyalina, glabra, (2.9–)3.2–5.5(–8.3) × (1.9–)2.2–3.4(–5.4) μm. Pustulae in agaro SNA tarde provenientes, conidiophoris similibus Pachybasii. Phialides lageniformes, (5.0–)6.0–8.5(–9.2) × (2.3–)2.5–3.2(–3.4) μm. Conidia ellipsoidea, hyalina, glabra, (2.5–)2.8–3.3(–3.7) × (2.2–)2.3–2.5(–2.7) μm. Etymology: a white foot, taken from the teleomorph epithet. Stromata not seen in fresh condition. Stromata when dry (20–)28–40(–41) mm long, clavate, straight or more commonly curved. Fertile part (7–)8–14(–16) mm long, comprising 30–40% of the total length; typically well-delimited and distinctly broadened above
the cylindrical stipe, typically laterally compressed and (2–)3–6(–7) × (1–)1.5–4(–5) mm thick (n = 20). Apex often broadly rounded. Often hollow inside. Surface smooth, slightly tubercular or somewhat rugose, often more tubercular towards the stipe. Ostiolar dots (23–)40–75(–118) μm (n = 120) diam, numerous, well-defined, plane or convex, with circular outline. Colour of fertile part pale yellow or greyish orange, 4A3–4, Selleck PD 332991 5AB4, due to a white to pale yellow stroma surface and yellow to nearly orange ostiolar dots. Stipe (14–)20–27(–28) mm (n = 11) long, (1.3–)1.7–3.3(–4.5) × (0.8–)1.0–2.5(–3.0) mm thick (n = 22); base often thickened and 2–6 mm (n = 11) thick. Stipe cylindrical, sterile, sometimes with inconspicuous, short, longish vertical fertile patches or few solitary perithecia in the uppermost
part; straight or curved, smooth or slightly longitudinally furrowed, white or yellowish, similar to or paler than fertile part. Stroma white inside. Spore deposits white or yellowish. Rehydrated stromata slightly larger than dry, pale ochre, ostiolar dots 90–200 μm diam, indistinct, diffuse, with little white stroma in selleck kinase inhibitor between, stroma inside appearing watery or gelatinous; no distinct colour change noted after the addition of 3% KOH. Stroma anatomy: Ostioles (45–)63–85(–94) μm long, projecting to 30 μm, (40–)48–74(–86) μm wide at the apex (n = 30); with a thick wall and narrow opening 13–20 μm wide; rarely with clavate to fusoid cells to 6 μm diam at the apex. Perithecia (200–)225–285(–310) × (115–)160–220(–270) μm, flask-shaped, ellipsoidal or subglobose. Peridium (17–)18–25(–30) μm (n = 30) thick at the base, (13–)16–22(–25) μm (n = 30) thick at the sides, selleck subhyaline or pale yellowish; of coarse cells merging at the perithecial apex abruptly into the palisade of narrow periphyses. Cortical layer (18–)22–43(–60) μm (n = 30) thick, a hyaline to pale yellowish t. angularis of thin-walled cells (2–)5–10(–12) × (2–)3–6(–8) μm in face view and in vertical section (n = 65). Subcortical tissue when present a hyaline t.