Clinical selleck chemical global index scale (CGI): 61% of the 29 patients with schizophrenia and 68% of the 13 patients with manic-episode were rated as at least “much improved” and none as worse EAR (1997): 15.5 EAR (1999): 13.0 AvE (1997): 6.8 AvE (1999): 6.6 AvE
(total): 7 (range 1–19) 95% BL (in accordance with advice in the Royal college of psychiatrists handbook, 1995) Equipment evaluated as: All, up to date Cukurova University Psychiatry Service, Turkey (H) Zeren T (Zeren et al. 2003) Study: Retrospective chart review of hospital ECT-treated patients at Cukurova University, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Department of psychiatry. University, Dept. of psychiatry. N= 384 ECT-treated patients Date: 1990–2001 Time span: 12 years Diagnoses: 45% psychotic 49% affective 6% other (including postpartum psychoses, dissociative, personality disorders, obsessive compulsive) Gender: 52% women Age, year groups: 5%, <18 92%, 18–64 3%, >64 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Mean age 33.1 years Education: Average no. of education years: Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 8.7. 54% of patients undergoing ECT had high school and higher education iP: 14% AvE: 8 Side effects: 53% for unmodified 41% for modified
(memory impairment, muscle pain, headache, confusion, prolonged Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical seizure, cardiovascular, ECT induced mania/hypomania, bone fracture) Outcome: 82% moderate to marked improvement Unmodified N= 179 (47%) Modified N= 205 (53%) Since 1996 all ECT performed under anesthesia. Until 1996 use of anesthesia judged according to age (<40 years) or medical condition. Device constant current brief pulse Siemens
Placement: all BL (bitemporal) Frequency: 3 times week View it in a separate window *TPR: Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical treated person rate = persons ECT treated per 10,000 resident population per year. *EAR: ECT administration rate = no. of ECTs administered per 10,000 resident population. *iP: inpatient prevalence = proportion (percent,%) ECT treated among inpatient population. *AvE: average number of ECTs administered per patient (in a session or course). **C-ECT: continuation-ECT. **A-ECT: ambulatory-ECT. Table C5 Asia N= 15. Country Reference id Reference Study Demographics Other data Tryptophan synthase Rates Technical parameters Land (L) Ref. id First autdor (reference) Study design Diagnoses Side effects TRP* Modified/Unmodified Region (R) N Indication Outcome EAR* Anesthesia City (C) Date Gender Conditions iP* Devices Hospital (H) Time span Age Training AvE* Current type Ethnicity Guidelines Electrode placement Legal regulations C-ECT** Dosage Other A-ECT** (Monitoring) Japan (L) 295 Motohashi N (Motohashi et al.