As such, we determined using microscopic simulation to create RLR

As such, we determined using microscopic simulation to create RLR samples. The challenge of using simulation to train the ANN network was how to adjust the simulation

settings so that the real driver behaviors could Tivantinib molecular weight mw be accurately reflected in simulation. In this paper, we used PTV VISSIM simulation engine and carefully calibrated the VISSIM’s car-following model and stop-or-go responses to signal changes with the vehicle trajectory data at the Peppers Ferry intersection in Christiansburg, Virginia, which was collected with a high performance data acquisition system. The data were choreographed and recorded by a customized hardware package. The data included

synchronized vehicle trajectories, signal phases states, and error messages and were stored at 20HZ to a binary file. The sensing system was composed of radar, signal sniffer, and video imaging systems. Table 1 illustrates vehicle’s trajectory data snapshots at the yellow onset and after all-red clearance. Table 1 Illustration of vehicle trajectory data snapshots. Each vehicle’s trajectory and its stop-or-go decision at the yellow onset were summarized. Then vehicles’ speed distribution, average headway, still headway, acceleration distribution, and other information were summarized [22]. Then they all were input into the simulation settings. After these adjustments, vehicles’ behaviors in simulation were very close to the field observation. However, it was found that few RLR events occurred in simulation and therefore we further reduced the drivers’ attention to their front

vehicles and to traffic signals. This change generated more red-light runners in simulation and significantly increased RLR samples for the following ANN training. In reality, either current vehicle trajectory detectors or future connected vehicle technology has a discovery range from 200 meters to 400 meters [23]. Therefore only those vehicles whose distance to the stop line was less than 100 meters were monitored and the status (i.e., DTIi, vi, and hi) of each monitored Cilengitide vehicle was archived at the all-red end if it was within the range during the yellow and all red. The 100-meter area can be translated into 5.5 seconds to 6 seconds to stop line where drivers’ indecisiveness begins at the yellow onset. The speed limit and traffic volume were 60km per hour and average 1500vph on the link and two simulation runs were conducted and lasted until 300RLR events were captured. Faster training can be achieved by normalizing the inputs and outputs. The captured vehicles’ DTI was normalized by DTIN = DTI/Ld where the Ld is the length of discovering area and 100 meters in this paper.

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