and other bacteria The abbreviations correspond to following spe

and other bacteria. The abbreviations correspond to following species with accession number(s) in parentheses. Ye1A: Y. enterocolitica bioserovar

1A/O:6,30 (DQ350880); YeO8: Y. enterocolitica bioserovar 1B/O:8 (L24101, AM286415); YeO3: Y. enterocolitica bioserovar 4/O:3 (Z18865); Yers included Y. aldovae (AY363680), Y. bercovieri (AY363681), Y. frederiksenii (AY363682), Y. intermedia (AY363683), Y. kristensenii (AY363684), Y. mollaretii (AY363685), Y. rohdei (AY363686); Yps: Y. pseudotuberculosis Capmatinib purchase (U40842; CP000720; CP000950; BX936398); Ype: Y. pestis (CP000901, CP000308, AL590842, AE017042, CP000305, CP000668, AF095636); Pl: Photorhabdus luminescens (BX571866); Ei: Edwardsiella ictaluri (AY607844); Ka: Klebsiella aerogenes

(M36068) % identity is indicated in bold 0 indicates that the intergenic learn more region had overlapping stop and start codons *ureB gene size was 435 bp (Y. aldovae, Y. bercovieri, Y. intermedia, and Y. mollaretii), 441 bp (Y. rohdei), 468 bp (Y. frederiksenii) and 495 bp (Y. kristensenii); ureBC intergenic region of 201-202 bp was present in Y. aldovae and Y. intermedia The comparison of Y. enterocolitica biovar 1A ure genes Pregnenolone and the deduced amino acid sequences with that of Yersinia spp. and other bacteria are given in Tables 2 and 3 respectively. Besides Yersinia species, the homologies of ure genes (upto 76% identity) and their deduced amino acid sequences (upto 86% identity and 95% similarity) were significant with ureases from Photorhabdus luminescens and Edwardsiella ictaluri. The UreA, UreC and UreG proteins were most conserved among Yersinia spp. The estimated molecular weights, in Da,

of the protein subunits were 11,048 (UreA), 15,854 (UreB), 61,026 (UreC), 25,507 (UreE), 25,040 (UreF), 24,181 (UreG) and 36,592 (UreD) (Table 3). Table 3 Urease structural and accessory proteins of Y. enterocolitica biovar 1A (Ye 1A).   Gene Gene product (aa) Mol. mass (Da)* pI* % identity/% similarity           YeO8 YeO3 Yers Yps Ype Pl Ei Ka Structural subunits                         UreA ureA 100 11,048 5.29 99-100 100 97-100/100 100 100 79/95 86/95 60/82 UreB ureB 144 15,854 9.06 84-85/85-86 85/86 84-99/85-99 86-94/88-97 78-94/79-97 60/72 61/73 36/47 UreC ureC 572 61,026 5.64 99/100 95/97 97-99/99-100 97/99 93-97/95-99 83/91 86/94 58/73 Accessory proteins                         UreE ureE 228 25,507 6.

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