All 24 clones randomly picked from LS-GR-mediated pACYC184 modifi

All 24 clones randomly picked from LS-GR-mediated pACYC184 modification and LS-GR-mediated pECBAC1 modification were characterized by enzyme digestions; all clones showed the restriction patterns as expected, demonstrating the precise homologous recombination during the recombineering process (data not shown). The authors are aware that a direct efficiency comparison between LS-GR and integrative form or prophage-based recombineering strains would be more straightforward, and yet as HS996/SC101-BAD-gbaA has been shown

to be a better recombineering host than DY380 through Tn5-neo-mediated and single-stranded oligonucleotide-mediated pACYC184 modifications, it can be reasoned that the recombineering efficiency of LS-GR is also better than that of DY380. Compared with DY380, LS-GR propagates and functions at 37 °C; the time-saving selleck screening library process would be especially valuable for multiple rounds of DNA modification, and still, no additional apparatus is needed for the λ Red genes’ induction. Compared with KM22 and YZ2000, LS-GR harbors the Entinostat mw gam gene to maximize the quantity and quality of the incoming DNA; the DH10B background is also more suitable for the manipulation of large DNA molecules. The inducer l-arabinose used in LS-GR is also less

expensive than the IPTG used in KM22 serial stains. One distinguished feature of LS-GR is the cotranscription of recA and λ Red genes under the induction of l-arabinose. Although not essential for λ Red recombineering (Yu et al., 2000), recA can considerably improve the recombination efficiency (Wang et al., 2006). The observation that all recombinants were correct in our study also supports the notion that no abnormal recombination would be involved during the transient expression of recA (Wang et al., 2006). The coordinated expression of recA with Red genes in LS-GR is perhaps more efficient than the constitutive expression of recA in KM22, as prolonged recombination functions may lead to unwanted recombinations. The genotype of LS-GR can be transferred into other E. coli strains through P1 transduction (Fukiya Bacterial neuraminidase et al., 2004;

Thomason et al., 2007), which will facilitate the recombineering in the recipient strains. In conclusion, the high recombination efficiency of LS-GR suggests that it can be used as a good host strain in recombineering research. We thank Prof. Barry Wanner, Dr Youming Zhang, Prof. Richard Michelmore and Prof. John Cronan for the plasmids used in the experiments. Financial support was provided by the National New Medicine Research and Development Project of China (No. 2009ZX09503-005). “
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