Adjustment of the bed height or standing on a stool allows
leveraging the body weight above the waist for mechanical advantage. For optimal transfer of energy during chest compressions the patient should be positioned on a firm surface such as a backboard early in resuscitation efforts. This decreases wasting of compressive force by compression of the soft hospital BIBW2992 manufacturer bed. While re-positioning the patient, interruptions of chest compressions should be minimized and care should be taken to avoid dislodging any lines or tubes [13]. Hand Position and Posture Place the dominant hand over the center of the patient’s chest [19]. This position corresponds to the lower half of the sternum. The heel of the hand is positioned in the midline and aligned with the long axis of the sternum. This focuses the compressive force on the sternum and decreases the chance of rib fractures. Next, place the non-dominant hand on top of the first hand so that both hands are overlapped and parallel. The fingers should be elevated off the patient’s
ribs to minimize compressive force over the ribs. Also avoid compressive force over the xiphisternum or the upper abdomen to minimize iatrogenic injury. The previously taught method of first identifying selleck inhibitor anatomical landmarks and then positioning the hands two centimeters above the xiphoid-sternal notch was found to prolong interruptions of chest compressions without an increase in accuracy [20]. Similarly, the use of the internipple line as a PLX4032 in vivo landmark for hand placement was found to be unreliable [21]. Therefore these techniques are no longer part of the international consensus guidelines [4, 13, 18]. For maximum mechanical advantage keep your arms straight and elbows fully extended. Position your shoulders vertically above the patient’s sternum. If the compressive force is not perpendicular to the patient’s sternum then the patient will roll and part of the compressive force will be lost. Compression Rate and Interruptions The blood flow generated by chest compressions is a
function of the number of chest compressions delivered per minute Sitaxentan and the effectiveness of each chest compression. The number of compressions delivered per minute is clearly related to survival [22]. This depends on the rate of compressions and the duration of any interruptions. Chest compressions should be delivered at a rate of at least 100 compressions per minute [4] since chest compression rates below 80/min are associated with decreased ROSC [2]. Any interruptions of chest compressions should be minimized. Legitimate reasons to interrupt chest compressions include the delivery of non-invasive rescue breaths, the need to assess rhythm or ROSC, and defibrillation [18]. Hold compressions when non-invasive rescue breaths are delivered [18]. Once an advanced airway is established there is no need to hold compressions for further breaths.