A group of patients who are closely followed
might avoid unnecessary surgery. Key Word(s): 1. NETs; 2. endoscopic treatment; 3. residual tumor; 4. risk factors; Presenting Author: JING WEN Additional Authors: ZHONGSHENG LU, YUNSHENG YANG, ENQIANG LINGHU, QINGSHEN LIU, XIANGDONG WANG, HONG DU, HONGBIN WANG Corresponding Author: ZHONGSHENG LU Affiliations: Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Chinese PLA General Hospital Objective: To explore the risk factors and prognosis on positive resection margin after endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for early esophageal cancer. Palbociclib cost Methods: A retrospective analysis of prospective collected data was performed on consecutive 148 lesions in 145 patients who underwent ESD. Age, sex, location, maximum diameter of resected specimens, macroscopic type, circumferential tumor sizes, different operators, depth of tumor invasion were evaluated as potential risk factors. Multivariable BAY 57-1293 concentration logistic regression analyse was used to determine risk factors for positive margin of resection. Results: There were 17 patients presenting with positive
resection margin after ESD and the positive rate was 11.4%. Among 16 Successfully followed patients, 3 patients were converted to surgery, one was received radiotherapy, three underwent additional endoscopic resection, and the other 9 patients who were initially followed up during a median period of 16.4 (range = 2–43) months had neither recurrence nor metastasis. On univariate analysis revealed that maximum diameter of resected specimens, depth of tumor invasion, macroscopic type were correlated with positive resection margin. Multivariable logistic regression analyse showed maximum
diameter MCE of resected specimens and depth of tumor invasion were risk factors on positive resection margin. Conclusion: Low incidence of positive resection margin was related with the depth of tumor invasion not to exceed submucosa and maximum diameter of resected specimens smaller than 3 cm. Key Word(s): 1. esophageal cancer; 2. ESD; 3. positive margin; 4. risk factors; Presenting Author: YOUXIANG CHEN Additional Authors: CHUN-YAN ZENG, GUO-HUA LI, XIAO-JIANG ZHOU, NONG-HUA LV Corresponding Author: YOUXIANG CHEN Affiliations: the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University Objective: To explore the factors that may affect re-obstruction after metal stent (without covering) drainage for malignant biliary obstruction. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 63 cases with re-obstruction after metal stent (without covering) drainage in our hospital during recent eight years. To analyze the factors which affect the stent drainage patency period such as the sites, the range and the causes of obstruction, the methods of stent implantation, and so on. All of the datas were analyzed with SPSS statistics V17.0 software.