There was no dose reduction or treatment discontinuation

There was no dose reduction or treatment discontinuation

and no patient in either group experienced virologic breakthrough. Conclusions: SOF in combination with SIM or RBV appears safe and effective for the treatment of post-LT HCV infection. SVR data are pending and will be presented. Disclosures: Aijaz Ahmed – Consulting: Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences Inc., Roche, AbbVie, Salix Pharmaceuticals, Janssen pharmaceuticals, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Three Rivers Pharmaceuticals; Grant/Research Support: Gilead Sciences Inc. W. Ray Kim – Consulting: Bristol Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences Mindie H. Nguyen – Advisory Committees or Review Panels: Bristol-Myers Squibb, Bayer AG, Gilead, Novartis, Onyx; Consulting: selleck compound Gilead Sciences, Inc.; Grant/Research Support: Gilead Sciences, Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Roche Pharma AG, Idenix, Hologic, ISIS The following people have nothing to disclose: Glen A. Lutchman, Nghia H. Nguyen, Tiffany

I. Hsiao, Vinh D. Vu, Vincent Chen, Tami Daugherty, Gabriel Garcia, Radhka Kumari Background: Japanese patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection are generally older, GSK458 nmr treatment-experienced and at higher risk for the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Comorbid conditions are common and inter-feron (IFN)-based therapy is problematic in this population. Novel IFN-free regimens are needed to address the HCV-related disease burden in Japan. Methods: An open-label, single-arm Phase 3 study evaluated the efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir (SOF) 400 mg QD with ribavirin (RBV; 600-1000 mg/day) for 12 weeks

in treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced Japanese adults with chronic genotype (GT) 2 HCV infection. Eligibility criteria included age ≥20 years, HCV RNA ≥104 IU/ mL and up to 40% of patients with MCE Child’s A cirrhosis defined by histology or Fibroscan >12.5 kPa. Consistent with inclusion of patients with cirrhosis, no entry restriction applied for neutro-phils and minimum platelet count was 50,000/μL. Results: 153 patients were enrolled; 90 (59%) treatment-naïve, 63 (41%) treatment-experienced. Mean age (range) was 57 (25-74) yrs, 22% (34/153) were aged ≥ 65 years, 46% (70/153) were male, 11% (17/153) had cirrhosis, mean BMI (range) was 23.9 (16.5-34.4) kg/m2 and mean HCV RNA was 6.3 (3.6-7.4) log10 IU/mL. 60% (92/153) of subjects were infected with HCV GT2a. All patients achieved HCV RNA

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