6a, bottom panels) In some sections, single hepatocytes were fou

6a, bottom panels). In some sections, single hepatocytes were found to be necrotic: a hallmark for ongoing liver injury. In contrast to the NRG mice, infiltrates were less pronounced in NRG Aβ–/–DQ8tg mice, also showing far fewer CD8+ T cells (Fig. 6a). Non-humanized mice (non-hu) showed no infiltrates (Fig. 6a, top panels). The skin is a further organ affected typically by GVHD. In both mouse strains we observed macroscopically alterations of skin texture such as hyperkeratosis, selleckchem scleroderma and desquamation, as

used for clinical score grading. As expected, histological examination confirmed these observations. The skin surface appeared undulated and signs of fibrosis, folliculitis and steatitis were evident within the hypodermis [see arrows in Fig. 6, haematoxylin

and eosin (H&E) staining]. Notably, these observations tended to be more severe in NRG control mice compared to NRG Aβ–/–DQ8tg mice. EPZ-6438 nmr As GVHD is a systemic disease, we consequently also detected huCD8 T cells in other organs, such as kidney and intestine. Again, infiltrates were less pronounced in NRG Aβ–/–DQ8tg mice compared to NRG mice (Fig. 6a). To quantify the huCD8+ cell infiltrates we used a published score [33]. Livers of NRG mice exhibited a significantly higher infiltration by human CD8+ T cells (mean score: Celecoxib 2·15) compared to those of NRG Aβ–/–DQ8tg mice (mean score: 1·36). In addition, kidneys and intestines of NRG mice were also infiltrated more severely by huCD8+ cells (mean score: 1·05 and 1·00, respectively) compared to NRG Aβ–/–DQ8tg mice (mean score: 0·58 and 0·42, respectively). This tendency of a more pronounced infiltration in NRG mice was also seen for the skin, although the difference was not statistically

significant (mean score: 1·45 versus 1·33 in NRG versus NRG Aβ–/–DQ8tg mice, respectively). Taken together, the delayed onset and mild progression of GVHD in NRG Aβ–/–DQ8tg mice could be due to a delay in the activation and expansion of xenoreactive CD8+ cells. In this study, we examined the effect of replacing murine MHC class II by HLA class II (DQ8) on the development of GVHD upon adoptive transfer of DQ8-positive human PBMCs into immunodeficient recipient mice (NRG Aβ–/–DQ8tg versus conventional NRG mice). The presence of HLA-DQ8 in NRG Aβ–/–DQ8tg recipient mice augmented significantly the overall repopulation rate by human PMBCs compared to conventional NRG mice. The cellular subset capable of engraftment was skewed exclusively towards CD3+ T cells in both mouse strains. Despite this, the striking difference between the two strains was the time-frame until GVHD became fatal.

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