, 1965). At the Maneroo Platform, two major faults were recognised (Westland Structure and Stormhill Fault). Both structures trend northerly and vertical displacements of up to 300 m have been registered according to Vine et al. (1965) but displacement was later amended
to 640 m by Ransley and Smerdon Carfilzomib mw (2012). The differences in the displacement registered in these structures are discussed in Section 4.1.2. The Dariven Fault and Maranthona Monocline (Van Heeswijck, 2010) are also recognised in the area to the east of the Hulton-Rand Structure, but there is little information about relative movement. During the deposition of the Eromanga Basin, this area was tectonically inactive and the faulting, folding and uplift of the basin units is considered to be post-depositional. Uplift was recorded
in the eastern part of basin, including uplift of the Koburra Trough, with associated erosion leaving the selleck Galilee Basin exposed in this area (Shaw, 1991). In the current study, the faults classified as regional structures cross the entire stratigraphic sequence from the basement to the surface. In addition, there is also another type of fault, classified as local faults that cross only part of the stratigraphic sequence and are not visible at the surface. The GAB is one of the major hydrogeological features of Australia, and is comprised of the sedimentary Clarence-Moreton, Eromanga, Surat and Carpentaria basins, Ketotifen and parts of the Bowen and Galilee basins. The confined aquifers of the GAB are bounded by the Rewan Formation at the base, and the Winton Formation at the top
(Fig. 3), but the complete rock sequence is not present across the entire GAB (Habermehl, 1980 and Habermehl, 2001). GAB aquifers in the study area include: the Clematis Group, Hutton, Adori and Hooray sandstones, Cadna-owie Formation (and their equivalents), the Mackunda and Winton formations (Fig. 3). The major confining beds in the study area are the Rewan Group, Moolayember, Birkhead, Westbourne, Wallumbilla and Toolebuc formations and their equivalents, as well as the Allaru Mudstone and parts of the Mackunda and Winton formations (Habermehl, 1980, Reyenga et al., 1998 and Habermehl, 2001; Fig. 3). The confined aquifers can be divided into two groups based on their potentiometric surfaces: (1) Lower Cretaceous-Jurassic sequence, also known as the artesian group; and Groundwater flow directions throughout the GAB are variable, with major flow towards the south and southwest, but in the northern GAB locally towards the west and north (Habermehl, 1983). In the area of the 3D geological model domain of this study, groundwater flow is largely towards the west based on the potentiometric map of the Hooray Sandstone and Cadna-owie Formation (Radke et al., 2000). This current study develops a 3D geological/hydrogeological model using GoCAD software (Paradigm Geophysical Pty Ltd., version 2009.