03 (0) 13 3 (4 6)/0 25 (0) 8 (0)/0 16 ( 08) 13 3 (4 6)/0 042 ( 01

03 (0) 13.3 (4.6)/0.25 (0) 8 (0)/0.16 (.08) 13.3 (4.6)/0.042 (.014) 16 (0)/4 (0) 6.6 (2.3)/6.6 (2.3) 8 (0)/0.16 (.08) 8 (0)/067 (.29) 2.6 (1.1)/0.42 (.14) 8 (0)/0.5 (0) 6.6 (2.3)/2 (0) 6.6 (2.3)/0.16 (0) 8 (0)/0.16 (.08) Tetracycline Determination of the chemosusceptibility of H. pylori strains

to polysorbate 80 used in association with clarithromycin or metronidazole The combination of polysorbate 80 with metronidazole increased the size of the growth inhibition halos (Figure 1); around the disk OSI-906 in vivo containing polysorbate 80, a minimal halo of complete inhibition of growth, ~1 mm, can be seen. Subculture tests showed the presence of another halo of about 4 mm contains developed dead bacteria. GSI-IX price The same effect was observed when clarithromycin was assayed alone and with polysorbate 80 (data not shown). Halo sizes around discs charged with polysorbate 80 and amoxicillin, or levofloxacin, or tetracycline were not larger than those obtained with single antibiotics (data not shown). The synergistic effect of the association polysorbate 80/clarithromycin and polysorbate 80/metronidazole was confirmed by

the broth dilution Interleukin-3 receptor tests (Table 2). When used in association, the MBCs of polysorbate 80 decreased by 2–4 times and those of antibiotics by 2–16 times, compared to the respective MBCs of drugs used alone. The effect of the association of polysorbate 80 with amoxicillin, or levofloxacin, or tetracycline was negligible (Table 2). Figure 1 The combination of polysorbate 80 with metronidazole (disc on the right) increases the size of the growth inhibition halo; the disc on the left was charged with metronidazole

alone and the disc at the top with polysorbate 80 alone. TEM analysis of CCUG 17874 and C/M-R2 H. pylori strains treated with polysorbate 80, alone and in association with clarithromycin and metronidazole The ultrastructural characteristics of the two untreated strains appeared different from each other. CCUG 17874 H. pylori organisms showed homogeneous cytoplasm and rare detachment membrane/cytoplasm (Table 3, Figure 2A); ~ 5% of cells presented an altered profile. C/M-R2 organisms showed homogeneous cytoplasm and vesicles (Figure 2B). In both strains, flagella have been observed (Table 3). Table 3 Approximate percentages of organisms showing ultrastructural alterations observed in two H.

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