0005) and Pdet at Qmax (P = 0 0005) were positively correlated wi

0005) and Pdet at Qmax (P = 0.0005) were positively correlated with VLPP. Conclusions: Age,

BMI, Qtip delta, and Pdet at Qmax were variables that correlated with two or more measures of urethral function. These correlations may help direct future research in female urethral function. Neurourol. Urodynam. 31: 496-501, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, selleck Inc.”
“Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) aims to help couples with heritable genetic disorders to avoid the birth of diseased off spring or the recurrence of loss of conception. Following in vitro fertilization, one or a few cells are biopsied from each human preimplantation embryo for genetic testing, allowing diagnosis and selection of healthy embryos for uterine transfer. Although classical methods, including single-cell PCR and fluorescent in situ hybridization,

enable PGD for many genetic disorders, they have limitations. They often require family-specific designs and can be labor intensive, resulting in long waiting lists. Furthermore, certain types of genetic anomalies are not easy to diagnose using these classical approaches, and healthy off spring carrying the parental mutant allele(s) can result. Recently, state-of-the-art methods for single-cell genomics have flourished, which may overcome the limitations associated with classical PGD, and these underpin the development of generic assays for PGD that enable selection of embryos not only for the familial genetic disorder in question, but also for various other genetic check details aberrations and traits at once. Here, we discuss the latest single-cell genomics methodologies based on DNA microarrays, single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays or next-generation sequence analysis. We focus on their strengths, their validation status, their weaknesses and the challenges for implementing them in PGD.”
“Tuberculosis (TB) has played a central role in the history of biomedical science from Koch onwards. Research in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries yielded

extremely valuable diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive tools for the control of TB. Following the development of short-course chemotherapy in the 1970s and 1980s, research into TB virtually evaporated. Despite the availability of an array of tools, TB control faltered, Nepicastat in vivo and the disease remains a major killer. The failure of the fruits of scientific research to control TB is a result of the shortcomings of the tools themselves as well the inadequate application of the tools in populations burdened by TB. A changing epidemiologic situation, with escalating rates of human immunodeficiency virus-related TB and the emergence of multidrug-resistant TB, further threatens global TB control. A robust TB research enterprise will be required to meet the global goals for controlling TB in the twenty-first century. Basic research is needed to better understand its pathogenesis and immunology, and to identify targets for diagnostics, drugs and vaccines.

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