A total of 254 women were interviewed They were aged 18-43 with

A total of 254 women were interviewed. They were aged 18-43 with a mean of 28.56 +/- 5.602 years. The parity ranged from 1-9 with a mean of 2.71 +/- 1.956. Most (178, 70.1%) respondents preferred general anaesthesia and the commonest reason for the

preference was various forms of fear 128 (71.9 %). The commonest reason for preference for regional anaesthesia was to watch the procedure live 50 (65.8%). Age (chi(2) = 52.364, p=0.000), education (chi(2) = 8.780, p=0.032), occupation (chi(2) = 18.555, p=0.002) and religion (chi(2) = 4.936, p=0.026) were significantly associated with preference for general anaesthesia. Only age (p=0.000, OR 8.17, CI = 0.000-1.00) retained significance after multivariate analysis. Considering the fact that the global trend is towards selleck chemical regional anaesthesia due to lower morbidity and mortality, the high

preference for general anaesthesia in our survey is worrisome. Health education during antenatal clinics should highlight the superiority of regional over general anaesthesia for caesarean NSC-330507 delivery.”
“Background: For decades, anabolic-androgenic steroids have been abused to enhance muscle growth. The harm inflicted by these compounds is well documented. Objective: The authors investigated and report on a case in which a male patient self-prescribed some newer dietary supplements, about which less is known. Method: The authors report on a case of hepatitis and aggressive personality changes in a 31-year-old man taking purported prohormone agent SUS500 and other, newer supplements. Results: Diagnosis was based on history, mental status exam, and laboratory findings. With discontinuation of all

supplements and supportive care, the patient’s personality changes resolved, and normal liver function returned. Conclusion: The authors conclude that newer anabolic supplements may cause some of the same side effects as traditional steroid hormones. (Psychosomatics 2010; Compound C 51:340-344)”
“The surface coverage of certain dry fermented sausages such as Italian salami by some species of Penicillium provides their characteristic flavor and other beneficial properties. One of them is the protective effect by means of a uniform film of white mold against undesirable microorganisms. The aim of this work was to identify and to isolate the fungal species present in mature Italian type of salami and to evaluate if it is possible to obtain some of them as starters. In addition, the effects of temperature (14 degrees C and 25 degrees C), water activity (a(w)) (0.90, 0.95 and 0.995) and 2.5 % sodium chloride (NaCl) on fungal growth were determined. Similarly, the proteolytic and lipolytic activity and the ability to produce toxic secondary metabolites were evaluated in order to characterize some possible starter strain.

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