The body mass index (BMI)/age and height/age indices were calculated to characterize the population, using as reference the cutoffs (Z-scores), established by the WHO. 14
The body fat percentage (BF%) was measured by a DXA equipment (Lunar Prodigy Advance DXA System – analysis version: 13,31, GE Healthcare) and estimated by the following BIA equipment: tetrapolar horizontal Biodynamics®, model 450 (BIA 1), tetrapolar vertical Tanita®, model BC-558 (BIA 2), tetrapolar vertical Biospace®, equipped with eight tactile electrodes, InBody® 230 model (BIA 3), and bipolar vertical Tanita®, model INCB018424 cell line 2220 (BIA 4). BF% was analyzed according to the classification proposed by Lohman15, considering as excess body fat values ≥ 20% for males and ≥ 25% for females, and as low body fat percentage
CDK inhibitor drugs < 10% for males and < 15% for females. Assessment by BIA was performed in two stages, following the protocol proposed by Barbosa16 and later, within an average time period of 9±4 days, without the protocol. The protocol involved previous preparation aiming to standardize the hydration status to undergo the BIA assessment and consisted of the following: be at least seven days after the last menstrual period and seven days before the next; undergo complete fasting in the previous 12 hours; refrain from physical exercises in the previous 12 hours; no alcohol consumption in the previous 48 hours; no use of diuretics for at least seven days before the assessment; and urination 30 minutes before the assessment. Adolescents were also asked to
remove metal objects such as earrings, rings, watches, and others, which could interfere with the passage of electrical current. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test was performed to determine variable distribution (parametric Idoxuridine or not) and thus choose the most appropriate statistical test to evaluate data. Parameters with normal distribution were expressed as mean and standard deviation; those with non-normal distribution were expressed as median and range. The chi-squared test was used to compare prevalence. In case of continuous variables, Student’s t or Mann-Whitney’s tests were performed to compare two, and Kruskal-Wallis’s test was used to compare three or more; Wilcoxon’s test was used when two evaluations were performed by the same individuals using the same equipment (with and without protocol). The kappa index was used to determine the agreement between the assessments by BIA and DXA, classifying it according to the criteria by Landis and Koch17, with the following concordances: from 0 to 0.19: poor; 0.2 to 0.39: weak; 0.4 – 0.59: moderate; 0.6 to 0.79: substantial; 0.8 to 1.0: almost perfect. ROC curves were constructed to verify the capacity of BIA in predicting excess body fat when compared to DXA. Areas under the curve (AUC) were calculated with their respective 95% confidence intervals. The null hypothesis would be accepted with an AUC value ≤ 0.50.