
neutral patterns served as placeholders and the act


neutral patterns served as placeholders and the actual attention task began only with a color change of these patterns. For the prefrontal cortex, the presentation of these neutral stimuli already evoked robust activity. Their single neuron example quadrupled its activity to these neutral patterns and across the population activation was approximately doubled. If one accepts the notion that these prefrontal activities are related to attentional control AC220 in posterior cortices, this enhancement to the neutral stimuli signifies allocation of attention to each of the two patterns in nearly equal amounts (see Figure 1, left panel). This makes a lot of sense because the high-rank pattern will appear with 50% probability at each of these two locations. With a color change, the neutral patterns were replaced with two patterns that differed in hierarchical rank and the higher rank pattern had to be further attended in order to allow detection of a small change in movement direction of the random dots. When the higher rank pattern fell inside the receptive

field of the recorded neuron, this neuron responded with increased activity. This is the anticipated result in the context of attentional selection theories, which posit that enhanced activity leads to a bias in competition between multiple stimuli competing for attention (Desimone and Duncan, 1995). When the higher rank pattern fell outside of the neuron’s

receptive field a reduction in activity was observed consistent with the idea that the lower rank stimuli see more within the receptive field is losing the attentional competition. The novel and surprising aspect of the results becomes apparent when one compares neural activity to pairs of patterns as a function of rank difference. The logic behind this is that attentional selection for large rank differences medroxyprogesterone is an easy problem, because it is quite clear which stimulus has higher rank. By contrast, selection for stimuli with adjacent rank is a harder problem and the attentional competition can be expected to be more difficult. Rank difference indeed did have an impact on prefrontal neural activity: surprisingly, however, it only affected the reductions of neural activity seen in response to lower rank patterns. The enhanced activity observed for higher rank patterns did not depend on rank differences between the two patterns competing for attention (see Figure 1, right panels). These findings are intriguing because they show that it is reductions, not increases, in activity that correlate with attentional performance differences based on the rank difference between the stimuli. The larger the rank difference, the clearer is the outcome of the competition between the two stimuli and the greater are the reductions of prefrontal activity relative to the baseline activity to the neutral stimuli.

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